Programs of the Peace and Education Coalition
The Peace and Education Coalition of the Back of the Yards, New City (PEC) organizes community resources to assist children and their families in great need. The Coalition is made up of the public schools, churches, parks, businesses, law enforcement, elected officials, and not-for-profits who meet monthly to reflect on and respond to the needs of families and children in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, on the near southwest side of Chicago. It is a 501(c) 3 with no administrative overhead, although the demands of needed funding for projects will require some assistance in the near future. Funding sources for the activities of the PEC include, but are not limited to:  Local grants for specific activities; fundraisers; federal, state and city grants for specific projects; private targeted donations; and volunteer time and resources from individuals and agencies.
The Coalition also helps provide a guiding philosophy for member agencies. The mission of the Peace and Education Coalition (PEC) is to foster relationships between local community stakeholders. The Coalition members work to create a united vision to help neighborhood children, especially those trapped in a cycle of poverty and violence. The Coalition serves at-risk and high-risk youth by promoting peace and education in the Back of the Yards, New City community. We strive to guide our children with hope, a future and opportunities to reach their potential.
The PEC serves youth and families within the community through a variety of avenues:
*16 – 21 year out drops-outs can return to school and receive a high school diploma.
*6th and 8th grade students are brought together twice a year for a youth summit to discuss community as well as adolescent issues.
*Parent training through Padres Ayudando Padres (Parents Helping Parents) and Boys Town Common Sense Parenting.
*GED and ESL classes through a partnership with Kennedy King College; Family housing needs through Neighborhood Housing Services.
*After School Programming through Holy Cross Church and Cesar Chavez 21st Century Grant.
*Multi-Systemic Therapy through Youth Outreach Services.
*Counseling and Day Care through Catholic Charities.
*Youth Mentoring through Holy Cross Church and Girls & Boys Town of Nebraska.
*Annual Basketball and Soccer Tournaments through the local Public Schools.
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