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What’s available?

– Scholarships for University or College (up to $2000 each) – Scholarships for a private High School (up to $500)

Who can apply?

Applicants who are active in volunteer service. Must demonstrate involvement during this past year (May 2016-April 2017) in the Back of the Yards (i.e. park volunteer, library aide, tutoring, teach religious education, volunteer in youth work or food pantry, neighborhood clean-up, etc.)

Applicants must have been accepted to the school they wish to attend by the time the award is issued.

Students who have received scholarships in the past from the Peace and Education Coalition are eligible to reapply and will be judged on the merit of their application.

All Peace and Education scholarship applications are due DUE FRIDAY, MAY 10, 6:30 pm. in the Parish Office, 4541 S Wood Street. Thank you for applying and for your volunteer service in the Back of the Yards neighborhood!

The Peace and Education 2019 Scholarship applications are now available please choose which to download.

[/st_text][st_row_2][st_column_2 span=”span3″][/st_column_2][st_column_2 span=”span3″][st_button button_text=”Download College Application” button_type_url=”https://peaceandeducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/CollegeApplic2019PEC.pdf” icon=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” button_alignment=”center” button_margin_top=”10″ custom_h_color=”#663277″ h_text_color=”#ffffff” ][/st_button][/st_column_2][st_column_2 span=”span3″][st_button button_text=”Download HS Application” button_type_url=”https://peaceandeducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/HSApplic2019PEC.pdf” icon=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” button_alignment=”center” button_margin_top=”10″ custom_h_color=”#663277″ h_text_color=”#ffffff” ][/st_button][/st_column_2][st_column_2 span=”span3″][/st_column_2][/st_row_2][/st_column][/st_row][st_button button_text=”Download College Application” button_type_url=”https://peaceandeducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/CollegeApplic2019PEC.pdf” icon=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” button_alignment=”center” button_margin_top=”10″ custom_h_color=”#663277″ h_text_color=”#ffffff” ][/st_button]

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